
Interestingly, Jeremy Yulle asked a question during a recent conversation, he asked: Are all your projects collaborations? This was a question that was leveled at Jeremy during his studies. At first I didn't really get what he was asking, in my initial thinking I was far to literal. My first thoughts turned to the physical collaborations of the projects, mainly other creative's involved. But I failed to recognise the audience being apart of the design collaboration. That through their interaction with the work they become co-colaborators.

It was from this that Jeremy suggested that my principle form of design was interaction design. Thinking about this I would say that its a far comment, that my design outcomes are primarily concerned with people and things interacting with each other. Something I recognise in the body of work that makes up this study, is that there are numerous forms of interaction, including personal reflections, movements, responses, locating etc. From this I can see how work not deemed to be interactive at the time, can be viewed as being interactive design.

What I am interested in are the properties or qualities needed for interaction, where a person or thing interacting becomes a collaborator of the collective render.

Space I feel is one of these qualities, and has parallels with silence. By providing space within a design outcome; and in indeed during a design outcome or process, enables the collaborators Make post on users, views, collaborators etc to take ownership within their experience with the design process. If space is missing there is no access point, leaving us outside of the design process. Our reception then changes from discursive and receptive to passive. this is not quite right