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A stream never says, that this is my final form. For factors around will influence me and I in turn will influence what’s around.

Streams carve themselves inline with the natural contours of their surrounds and in response to the elements around them. But whilst the water flows along these paths in cyclic motions, they do so with variance and in response to the ‘ambient’ unintended factors around. These ambient factors change the path, the banks remold, the silt is moved, placed and replaced.

When one walks a familiar path how close are we to mimicking streams. The act of walking, even along established and repetitive routes has built into it variables. The walk succumbs to the ambient unpredictable—the zero that is the variance of a moment, of time, of space and the knock on effect that this may have.



Posted by Keith Deverell at June 2, 2006 12:00 PM