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The more I look at these two projects the more I see a similarity between the two. In essence the project in Brisbane informed how I approached the Fashion City project. Of particular interest was the notion of streams and how and when they occur and also the forms they can take.

The image set from Brisbane was generated through a stream of consciousness. During the walk, both Neal and I where—for a period of time—in a state of flow. This flow was dedicated to our encounters and our capturing of these encounters.

One aim of the screen installation at Fed Sq was to create a sense of flow around peoples framing of Melbourne. this isn’t coming out right, should be talking about sequenced and random compositions

In the months around the project I had been reading some of the essays in Silence, by John Cage. In one essay on Satie, he introduces Satie’s ideas of ambience being the unintended, that silence or indeed space, gives room to this ambience. Through use and acknowledgement of these factors, designed outcomes lose some of their rigidity that constructed environments ultimately acquire.

Even a walk that is carried out each day, along a route that does not change will always offer the possibility of the exceptional, that our perception of that route can be altered and changed.

Within the Fashion City screen two forms of composition where used in creating a continual montage. The forms where random Note really random as random is always governed by something and sequenced sequenced or maybe pattern, sequenced patterns?.



What is it about rigidity in design, does it imply that the object, thing or space is lacking space?

Posted by Keith Deverell at June 2, 2006 01:31 AM

Posted by Keith Deverell at June 2, 2006 11:56 AM