The wire walk

The ground beneath is soft, sponge like, we tread with care, placing each foot with precision. My movements draw me further into a grided...

The inadvertant milieu

... I have a interest in what I call dead spaces ... I have been wondering within these areas for along time, I seek...

Still Life 01c

36 Frames from Still Life 01 video

Still Life 01b

36 Frames from Still Life 01 video

Still Life 01a

36 frames from Still Life 01

Space in design

Interestingly, Jeremy Yulle asked a question during a recent conversation, he asked: Are all your projects collaborations? This was a question that was leveled...

Space / void

Just meet with Laurene this morning where I presented the notion of space, being similiar to peoples use of silence and how this space...

Silence, John Cage, Erik Satie, P80

It is evidently a question of bringing one’s intended actions into relation with the ambient unintended ones. The common denominator is zero, where the...

Notes of collection and curation through reflection of past/current projects

Fashion City was a project that involved the creation of a database of images that explored the fashionable nature of Melbourne. These images where...

Landscape by Tamás Waliczky

Landscape by Tamás Waliczky is a short film that explores the inherent abstract nature of digital space. This is done by freezing time during...

Dead spaces

... I have a interest in what I call dead spaces ... I have been wondering within these areas for along time, I seek...

Boonie Doon - Day one

The ground beneath is soft, sponge like, I tread with care, placing each foot with precision. My movements draw me further into a gridded terrain. Around I hear the call of birds, but in this space they do not live, for I am in a cancer, a disease imposed by foreign traditions on this delicate land.

150 bpm

Recently I did another set at Kent St with Corey (_sans). This set was part of a on going night called Plug N Play,...
