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April 18, 2004


Braque > Futurists/Dada > Punk . . . using found materials > reconfiguring found texts and images creating a new message[s] that didn't apply to the original 'pieces'.

> Jan Michl: All design is redesign . . . a reading on the neccessity of seeing the commonly held notion of 'design' as actually being 'redesign'. The premise being that the designer only ever builds on exisiting developed knowing/knowledge, and is always in debt to what has come before. Michl argues that the term 'Design' is misleading as it is generally built upon the flawed notion of total orginality . . . discusses God as Designer, and negates this argument.

> Barthes: "tissue of quotations" ñ "a text is a multidimensional space in which a variety of writing, none of them original, blend and clash".

Ok my bit now . . .

Based on these statements I can see I might discuss the evolution of visual languages as a continual process of hybridisation. The point of tension being that we constantly have 'Protectors of Culture' trying to stall, stop, and apprehend this natural [inevitable] process.

Should any culture [image] therefore be open to wholesale appropriation by any other culture [designer] in the name of progress?

Posted by Luke Wood at April 18, 2004 11:12 AM