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June 12, 2004

The Hybrid Practitioner [12.06.04]

To refocus this project on the practitioner, I'm going to try to keep defining/redefining what exactly this hypothetical 'Hybrid Practitioner' might be.

1. Every communication is to some degree hybrid ñ an appropriation from various/mixed sources.

2. The appropriation occurs somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness. The statement can be what I'd like to call an 'active' hybrid [one that is created through intentional appropriation ñ consciously] or a 'passive' hybrid [where the act of appropriation occurs naturally, is unintentional ñ unconscious . . . and often the approriation in this sense goes unnoticed].

3. The Hybrid Practitioner seeks hybridity beyond the unconscious. The Hybrid Practitioner's work ñ design ñ is intentionally hybrid . . . considered . . . active.

4. The 'active' or intentional hybrid is sought as a vehicle for new experiences, processes and artefacts via the disruption of existing conventions . . . borders/boundaries.

Posted by Luke Wood at June 12, 2004 11:11 AM