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August 22, 2004

Goodbye appropriation?

I'm ditching the 'term' appropriation. It implies a political and/or ethical motivation to the project . . . the general conception of the term as the borrowing or using of a thing (image/style) without permission, or 'right', is another whole issue which I think sits alongside, but outside, of what I'm doing/interested in. It's also an issue which is covered extensively elsewhere. Instead I will begin to discuss 'referencing' . . . 'sampling' . . . and 'consuming'.

A term I would perhaps like to introduce, to further define my interests/topic, is one I had been using earlier in the year, but which I had left behind because (at that stage) I felt it would narrow my focus too much . . . the term is 'vernacular'. I use it tentatively for now. All the work I have been making lately is motivated by this to some degree so it makes sense that I begin to use it again.

Vernacular signifiers in hybrid visual languages.

Posted by Luke Wood at August 22, 2004 12:00 PM