« 'A' revision . . . | Main | B is for Bitter Aloes »

October 02, 2004

'A' revision again . . .

This image again responding to problems I had with previous images. Specifically the cut and paste, and the obvious layering of images. This one is an attempt to render the image more as a 'whole' ñ disparate pieces grafted together to form a new hybrid image (that was the plan anyway!). I also wanted to try to relate the letterform more closely to the image . . .

To do so I thought it might be interesting to develop a hybrid letterform based on the two ideas or moments I was trying to connect. This letterform is a hybrid 'A' made up of a greek letter carved into stone, and a blackletter 'A' (Gotisch) . . . I was interested in both having formal/conceptual relationships to notions of justice and democracy . . . that the final form looks quite romantic and idealised I thought was appropriate.

Problems? This is hardly monstrous! It's hard to tell but I was thinking that the application to the cushion would create the monster . . . but now I'm not sure? I'd like to actually try making another letterform, 'B' I guess, so I can start to think about this as a series . . . as a 'piece' it is 26 cushions, it's quite hard to critique one on it's own, not knowing what's going to play out over the others? I'd like to try perhaps taking this back off the computer (print it out whole or in parts and reassemble it?).

Posted by Luke Wood at October 2, 2004 11:23 AM