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October 11, 2004

B 3D model

Trying to take this back towards the cut & paste pieces I'd made earlier . . . so that the image will still have a sense of having been carefully constructed, but it's joins (scars), and pieces are visible. I really like being able to use the shadows too . . . their relation to reverb, echo, and residue. Basically I've been thinking these are looking far too 'pretty' or beautiful, and I want to more actively search out the grotesque. Although, as Keith pointed out in the previous post, the creator may not necessarily see their own monster as grotesque! And, as I've thought more about 'The Curse of Frankenstein' and plastic surgery ñ can what's beautiful actually be grotesque at the same time . . . ?

Posted by Luke Wood at October 11, 2004 08:27 AM