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April 27, 2005


So many monsters come from technology. New technology. Technology that, at the given point in time, isn't well understood so we fear it, or it's consequences. Monster stories have often evolved either as metaphors for these technological anxieties, or as direct consequences of the technology. It is often the figure of the mad scientist who brings our fears to life. The 'man of science' who has strayed from the path of morality . . . might there be an analogous position/character in design? The designer as a social scientist maybe?

I really just wanted to mention technology here. My lack of interest in it. Do I fear it? I literally know nothing about what's happening inside this plastic box right now . . . the idea of losing files, my machine dying, etc. That scares me I guess. But I wasn't even going to mention that. I'm not sure I'm interested in scaring myself right now, I just thought it was interesting that I'm so non-plussed by technology and science yet they seem so central to ideas of creating monsters.

Posted by Luke Wood at April 27, 2005 06:41 PM