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June 17, 2005

A Manifesto for Monstrosity

I've been thinking about doing another manifesto for a while now. Reflecting on my work from last year one of the things I still quite enjoy is the manifesto I made for my book 'Hot Rod Biology'. I had since thought that the final outcome of my research might be a manifesto. I guess in this sense I've been waiting to 'have something to say'? It's occured to me recently, since the GRC, that maybe I should just get on in and do this though. I thought it would provide a good opportunity to pull together what I see as the successful aspects of previous projects (failures may have been successful) in a discursive and reflexive way. Thus reponding to Cameron's criticism that I wasn't being systematic enough in my thinking/making. I thought it might also help me 'work through' Dave's question about what my work might mean to either other designers or clients. This really threw me at the time, and I think it's really good Dave brought this up. In this sense I might, through a manifesto, attempt to communicate something of what I have learned, and am still learning. I guess I need to think a lot more about what exactly a manifesto 'is'? Interestingly Jonty and I had been discussing this on The National Grid site. Maybe I'll see if we can spark that up again?

Some things to think about (to move this away from Fear perhaps?). . . Familiarity and the Fantastic, the Ridiculous and the Sublime?

I picked up this little gem in Memphis, Tennessee. It just seemed to make a lot of sense when we were driving around America . . . especially in the south, where there's so much religious quakery, racism, and poverty. That this was the inevitable literary product of America's 'bottom end'óas opposed to what we'd seen in L.A an New Yorkómade a lot of sense.

Posted by Luke Wood at June 17, 2005 12:08 PM