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June 26, 2005

One week poster project

This week I'm going to design a poster for the next Grand Saloon gig. I'm going to make a start today and I'm going to have it finished by Friday. However, I'm going to start putting them up tomorrow morning. So whatever I've got by the end of today will be posted up in the streets 'as is' early on Monday morning. I'll repeat this process every day until Friday morning at which point the 'final' poster will go up.

Why am I doing this? Basically this idea came directly from a conversation I had with Laurene about the differences between 'playing live' in a band and 'designing' stuck away in my office. What I find interesting about live performances is that the process of making is exposed to the audienceóit happens 'at the time'óand perhaps this is why I haven't really been so interested in recording. I'm not really putting too many expectations on this project. I just want to do it and reflect on it over the week . . . see what happens? I like the systematic nature of it!

Posted by Luke Wood at June 26, 2005 10:08 AM


Thats an interesting idea, would you reveal certain things at certain times??
Is there any improvisation in the music?
Does Grand Saloon have any recordings on the net?

Posted by: Duncan at June 27, 2005 02:18 PM

Thanks for chipping in Duncan.

I guess I'm assuming things will get revealed over the first couple of days. I tend to design like that . . . putting things together piece by piece ó and then spend the last couple of days refining the initial piecing together. I guess this last bit is something I'm trying to avoid though, the refinement. I'm hoping (I think?) that in forcing myself to put up a new version everyday, I'll find out something about unrefinement or unfinishedness . . . in relation to the monsters I've been looking for.

Improvisation in the band? Hmmm . . . there used to be more! We seem to be getting tighter which I'm a little concerned about. I like looseness in music. But yes there is improvisation. We tend to have basic structures which we follow ó we cover a lot of early country and rockabilly stuff ó but throw a lot into it, playing feverishly, fast, and on the verge of our ability to control the structure and the quality of the sound.

The Grand Saloon doesn't have ANY recordings (apart from a video of our last gig at the Wunderbar)! We've aimed at being a good live act really . . . we all have 'day jobs' and don't need or wish to make anything more of this particular band. That said though, we are heading into the mountains (a University field station in Cass) next week to try and do some recording. So maybe . . . I'll let you know.

Posted by: Luke Wood at June 27, 2005 07:59 PM