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August 04, 2005

Being systematic . . .

This is getting back to the last GRC and Cameron's suggestion that I need to become much more systematic in my research (that I'm moving around too much ñ taking pot-shots, shooting from the hip). He also pointed out that a more systematic approach would 'fit' the mad scientist analogy . . .

To this end I'm thinking this:

1. Loosely define/locate 'types' of monsters.
2. Write a manifesto for each type.
3. Methodically apply each type/manifesto to the 'same' material.

At the moment I'm really interested in following up this diagram/map of my relationship with Anna . . . but have also been thinking about going back to the Elvis Presley Project and applying these, as yet unwritten, manifestoes to it.

So . . . potential 'types':

1. The Hybrid
2. The Grotesque/Freak
3. The Mistake/Failure.

or perhaps I might use existing Hollywood types:

1. The Zombie (dead brought back to life, ref. nostalgia)
2. The Vampire (parasite lives off the blood of others, ref. appropriation)
3. The Werewolf (hybrid being, the hybrid artefact)
4. The Alien (out of 'place', wrong context)

This approach, being metaphorical, interests me more. Actually this last one's new to my monstrous thinking ñ the Alien is important I think, especially in light of my metaphor being one of familiarity and its transformation. Obviously these different categories will overlap. One fundamental aspect of any monster is its ability to avoid easy categorisation . . . however my fabrications are in the name of Research!

Posted by Luke Wood at August 4, 2005 11:18 AM


:-) I REALLY like the hollywood types, and studying them more systematicaly seems like it will give you a great structure. I think you're back on track.

Posted by: E at August 6, 2005 03:37 PM

I'm glad someone's happy!

Posted by: Luke Wood at August 7, 2005 10:13 AM