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April 15, 2006

The Monstrosity of (Auto) Biography

That my research, and indeed that 'practice-led' research in general, tends toward auto-biography.
That Stuart Bailey's text 'On Biography' in DDD 11 points to a space, "a gap between two poles" from which the character materializes, "spectre-like".
That this text of his relates back to something Robin Kinross wrote in DDD 2 called 'The Uses of Failure'.
That SB is currently interviewing RK.
That maybe I interviewed Dylan in search for relief from talking about myself.
That when I was interviewing Dylan I wanted it to be more 'conversational', and that in doing so I ended up talking about myself.
That this made/makes me uncomfortable.
That at one point I claimed to be seeking discomfort.
That this discomfort (a la Bailey/Kinross) might be useful... where the (my) spectre materializes?
That it's peculiar to seek out one's own ghost.
That Dr Jekyll's quest for improvement through self-awareness went horribly wrong.

Posted by Luke Wood at April 15, 2006 03:35 AM