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April 04, 2004

Update & Triggers

Haven't blogged for a while . . . so here's where I'm at:

Triggers: Appropriation, Hybrids, and Process

Title: HYBRID GRAPHIC DESIGN: towards a design process that explores appropriation as a generative methodology

Previously I had 'Vernacular' as a trigger, but realised when defining/re-defining my triggers that this was limiting, and actually left out a lot of what interested me. It was replaced with 'Appropriation' which I see as being more useful in that it refers to a strategy or process.

I'm interested in the idea of a Hybrid process ñ but this could be because I don't know what I mean by that!? Yet.

I want to focus on the following questions [thanks Lisa] over the next couple of days:
What is a hybrid process?
Will this inevitably lead to a hybrid artefact?
Can you create a hybrid artefact from a conventional process?
What makes the hybrid stronger ñ the process adopted or the artefact created?

Posted by Luke Wood at April 4, 2004 04:04 PM


Great questions. I'm working on these topics in relation to rights discourse and rights in borderland regions: how do rights discourses get generated?

Posted by: D. Emily Hicks at June 30, 2004 02:57 AM