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June 30, 2004

Trials for Elvis font

I've spent about a week now trying out different styles and approaches for this Elvis font. Initially they were looking too kitsch and 50s [below], and they weren't really presenting anything 'hybrid' ñ nothing you wouldn't expect to see Elvis looking like (although I do like the dot/screen reference to pop culture and might come back to this) . . .

so I thought I'd try inserting Elvis directly into the medieval examples that I was talking about originally . . .

I feel much happier with the direction this might take. Especially with the kinds of events I'm planning on using ñ the play between good and evil ñ skeletons could be good too . . . Elvis's dead twin brother for instance.

These are only trials and I'm thinking it could take a while to settle on a particular stylistic approach, so I'll be posting them here as they develop. I do intend for this to be a font, so I'll have to test how complicated the outlines can be ñ does anyone out there know anything about this?

Posted by Luke Wood at June 30, 2004 02:51 PM