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March 14, 2005

Future imperfect

This is the final 'bit' in Rick Poyner's book "Obey The Giant: Life in the Image World". I'm interested in his distinction between knowing imperfection (Fella and Keedy's 'anti-mastery') and what he defines loosely as 'flawed mastery' or 'imperfect design'. This distinction isn't exactly well articulated ñ it's a short piece ñ he doesn't mean by this "some kind of camp or ironic 'so bad it's good'". . . nor does he mean "design so lacking in saving graces that not even the most dedicated ironist could tease any humour from it." Anyhow, I liked the way he ended, and it felt like my topic . . .

"Designers who allow space for the peculiar, the wayward, the imperfect ñ and, sometimes, the just plain 'wrong' ñ set in motion a process and create the conditions for the viewer to have truly unexpected encounters with design that are one of its keenest, most human pleasures and a large part of its point."

Posted by Luke Wood at March 14, 2005 10:16 AM

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