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March 20, 2005

07. Banality (Experimental Jetset)

Regarding the culturally pessimistic notion of the banalisation of graphic design: When opening up the Van Dale Dutch dictionary to look up the exact meaning of the word 'banal', we find 'hinderlijk alledaags', which roughly translates as 'disturbingly commonplace' ó a beautiful, almost paradoxical definition. Two words put together, creating a tension which is almost electric. Now reconsider the notion of banal design, and imagine an object which is widely used, commonly accepted, but still has the ability to disturb. An object that has the potential to become part of society, but not to dissolve in it completely. In short, an object that relates to reality in a truly dialectical way. The banalisation of graphic design? We should be so lucky.

[From 'Lazy Sunday Afterthoughts: A collection of random notes by Experimental Jetset (in alphabetical order)", in Dot Dot Dot 7, page 79]

Posted by Luke Wood at March 20, 2005 11:35 AM