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April 04, 2005

The National Grid

This is the title for a project I am working on with Jonty Valentine. Initially this is being developed as a website through which we can to collect our own thoughts, and then the ideas/work of other interested parties, with the end in mind being a kind of design-research fanzine to be published early next year. Anyone interested please check out the site www.thenationalgrid.co.nz . . . there's not much there apart from our ever evolving 'about The National Grid' blurb/text, but we should be getting some work up in the next few weeks ñ certainly before the end of May, and the next GRC.

In some sense a collaborative project, The National Grid will explore common ground between Jonty's research interests (indexing and browsing) and my own (loose ends and connections). The projects within my own research program will take place within the context of The National Grid, and I will be spending time over the next couple of months prior to the GRC in May, figuring out what form these projects may take. I'm hoping to be able to present a fairly structured proposal for the remainder of my research at the next GRC.

Posted by Luke Wood at April 4, 2005 09:47 AM