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September 14, 2005

Fuck the map [crisis continued]

This is what I've been working on in response to the "Frankenstein Manifesto". I thought I'd start with that one cause I had it the most 'sorted' in my head. I enjoyed the process of making this in the beginning (last week), but by today I'm feeling totally fucking lost and am wondering what the fuck I'm doing!? I'm becoming increasingly frustrated by the fact that I have absolutely nobody here to talk to about my research ó all this shit just bounces around in my own head, and ocassionally gets regurgitated onto this blog . . . I'm pissed off and I can't wait to get the fuck out of Christchurch.

This doesn't photograph very well I'm afraid . . . but thought I'd put some images of the evolving map on here and think about why this is or isn't working . . .

In no particular order . . .

1. One good thing that happened was that I modified (added to) the manifesto, and I guess maybe I could focus on that . . . the 'work' exists or is MADE to push the manifesto, and perhaps the outcome ñ the artefact, just doesn't matter that much?

1.2 Another thing I like about this is the 'model' aspect, that it exists in space (why it doesn't photograph). I enjoyed making it (to begin with). I like the tape and the shadows . . . the loose ends and connections I was looking for?

2. I think maybe the thing I'm struggling with the most is the generation of content . . . and it's all getting very confusing. What IS this a map of? Currently nothing! I started out with the idea of mapping my relationship with Anna as a joke really. And I started making the map with a good deal of humour involved . . . which I think is apparent through my cameo in tiger print underpants?

2.1 Going with the manifesto's requirement that I choose parts more or less randomly I wasn't worrying much about the 'content' in the beginning, and very quickly the map had very little to do with my relationship with Anna. I decided this didn't matter. Fuck the content the Monster is about form*. Searching for a new style. The Monster is about delivery.

2.2 I can't just stick shit on randomly though!? I think I'm torn between it being a 'Picture' or an actual 'Diagram', if you know what I mean.

2.3 Initially I wanted the content to be completely seperate to the research topic ñ as though it was just a design job someone else had given me. I'm having trouble divorcing the two.

2.4 I want this to be a Design research project not an Art one.

3. I'm still doubting the value of this whole fucking topic! I don't whether I should just try and work through it? Or shift my focus? It doesn't FEEL RIGHT. I know that sounds childish, but hopefully someone gets what I mean? I feel like I'm flogging a dead horse . . . this all feels very similar to what I was doing at this time last year with the Elvis cushions. A year down the track and no progress!? Fuck.

3.1 I think what feels most wrong about this is that it is so formal* ñ I mean in the sense that it is mostly stylistic ó you could say Process I guess, but toward formal outcomes, . . . delivery. It's not to say that form doesn't interest me, it does. I just feel like there needs to be 'more' . . . ? (Could this be where the manifesto comes in). What is my Object? What is my Subject?

4. I would really like to make my work on The National Grid my research. It doesn't have shit all to do with the 'Monstrosity/Metaphor/Manifesto' topic though.

Posted by Luke Wood at September 14, 2005 08:18 PM


Been thinking . . .

This 'map' doesn't really follow the manifesto that well? Maybe I need to try again and be a little more true to the manifesto.

Again though, this is purely a formal thing I'm talking about ó making it faster and rougher ó I still can't get my head around the content/concept thing. The value or necessity of that? My ability to only care about the delivery? I feel like I'm ok with that in music that I listen to.

Posted by: Luke Wood at September 14, 2005 09:48 PM

... Frankenstein is not just an empty shell. it does have content, why not use the content already present in your metaphore: life/death/ acceptance by society/love, relationship creation/creator... by the way Frankenstein hated his monster too...
And if you need to talk about it you know where to find me.

Posted by: E. at September 15, 2005 03:43 PM

Yeah I'd been thinking about the possibility that I should maybe just be designing the Manifesto? Is the Map just confusing things? It's related though right, I mean you know where it comes from . . . ? Yes I'd like to talk!

Posted by: Luke Wood at September 15, 2005 07:21 PM

What's the difference between a Design research project and an Art one?

Posted by: p at September 28, 2005 02:36 AM

Good question P. I'm trying to think what I meant when I said that? I think I'm meaning how you locate the topic via the artefacts produced within the research program. I teach Design within the umbrella of an Art school and I think I'm often seduced, but then similarly repelled by what that can be made to imply. I was having a bad art week when I posted this, but that's no excuse. I guess what I'm getting at is my desire to be able to locate my research more specifically within the trajectory of the discipline of Design. I want my outcome(s)/result(s) to be communicable outside of what I see as the relatively insular world of Art making. I like the environments that graphic design inhabits, I enjoy it's everydayness... why when I came to art school years ago I followed Design and not Painting. I should state that it's the ephemeral quality of the graphic design artefact that I enjoy, more than its functionality though. I like posters more than paintings.

Posted by: luke at September 28, 2005 10:19 AM