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Powerlines shot in B/W Lampost shot in B/W


What where we really looking for? This was a trip that a friend, Damian McGrath and I took to the outer edges of Melbourne. A journey that turned into a series of journies. When we left Fitzroy we drove west, just west. On driving west we spoke about the area of Melbourne where the ciy ends and the fields start. I think for Damian this has a particular appeal, and reminds him of his approach to Melbourne from his home in Hamilton, Victoria when he was younger.

As we drove and chatted, moving through familiar and unfamiliar places, the idea of finding a vast array of powerlines become a concentrated effort. Using these search criteria we where directed to a place where we still cannot completely locate. It wasn’t quite on the end of the city, but it did have power lines, it did have an incredible sense of city fringe.

Posted by Keith Deverell at June 2, 2006 10:35 AM