
Just meet with Laurene this morning where I presented the notion of space, being similiar to peoples use of silence and how this space is a key in the design for creating room or access for interaction. We concluded that this space could be a filled or active space, that it’s not necessarly empty.

Instead it was proposed that its a void space

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This space has an importance at all periods of the design process. On a very simple level, if designers are not given some space when designing they themselves will be constrained in their actions.

But when its implemented and passed on through the style guide, it so often limits the possibility for interaction. It is almost belligerent in regards to other designers ability to interact with the identity. I am sure not all style guides are like this, and there is certainly the space with in a style guide for it not to be like this.

This is where we can discuss the idea of voice and things having multiple voices. In Melbourne there have been public forums debating the validity of Me!bournes branding. A criticism levelled at the identity is its singularity of voice.

So space is friends with voice, by giving space to voice

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In looking at the role of space in design, a design parameter is the natural flexibility of space and its ability to expand and accommodate.

In design that encourages interaction, space is vital; in interaction the individual voice needs to find its place with the design.